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What is JSON-RPC used for?

JSON-RPC is a remote procedure call (RPC) protocol encoded in JSON. It enables the communication between distributed systems, often found in microservices architectures. JSON-RPC is a lightweight, language-agnostic protocol that allows developers to build scalable applications with low-latency communication between services. With its simplicity and support for multiple programming languages, JSON-RPC offers an accessible and flexible tool for building distributed systems.

JSON-RPC in Furtheon

JSON-RPC is implemented in Furtheon as an API consensus.

When a client makes a remote procedure call to the server, the JSON-RPC protocol abstracts the details of network communication, serialization, and deserialization. The JSON-RPC client sends a request message to the JSON-RPC server, which deserializes the request message, executes the appropriate method, and serializes the response message. The JSON-RPC server then sends the response message back to the client, which deserializes the response message and returns the result to the caller.

Breakdown of the JSON-RPC API

The JSON-RPC implementation in Furtheon consists of several key components, including the JSONRPC struct and the JSONRPCStore interface.

The JSONRPC struct handles the core functionality of the JSON-RPC server. It includes methods for setting up the HTTP server, handling WebSocket connections, and managing incoming requests. The NewJSONRPC() function is used to create a new instance of the JSONRPC server with a specified logger and configuration.

The JSONRPCStore interface defines all the methods required by the JSON-RPC endpoints. These methods are implemented by various store types, such as ethStore, networkStore, txPoolStore, filterManagerStore, bridgeStore, and debugStore. These store types interact with different aspects of the system, allowing the JSON-RPC server to provide a comprehensive API for clients.

For handling WebSocket connections, a handleWs function is used to upgrade HTTP connections to WebSocket connections. A wsWrapper struct wraps WebSocket connections and provides methods for managing WebSocket communication.