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The diagram below illustrates the major components of Furtheon.

Furtheon architecture overview


The following table breaks down each of these components.

Component Description Link
libp2p Provides the networking layer for Furtheon and is designed for peer-to-peer network architectures. libp2p Overview
Bridge An in-built bridging mechanism enabled by PolyBFT that allows message passing between an Furtheon-powered chain and another Proof-of-Stake blockchain without mapping. Native Bridge overview
Mempool Enables multiple validators to aggregate their signatures to create a single, aggregated signature representing all validators in the pool. mempool Overview
Consensus PolyBFT serves as the consensus mechanism of Furtheon and consists of a consensus engine, IBFT 2.0, and a consensus protocol that includes the bridge, staking, and other utilities. PolyBFT Overview
Blockchain Coordinates everything in the system, curates state transitions, and is responsible for state changes when a new block is added to the chain. Blockchain Overview
Runtime (EVM) Uses the EVM as the runtime environment for executing smart contracts. Runtime Overview
TxPool Represents the transaction pool, closely linked with other modules in the system. TxPool Overview
JSON-RPC Facilitates interaction between dApp developers and the blockchain, allowing developers to issue JSON-RPC requests to an Furtheon node and receive responses. JSON-RPC Overview
gRPC Essential for operator interactions, allowing node operators to interact with the client easily and providing a seamless user experience. gRPC Overview