The EVM is the core interface for executing and interacting with smart contracts on a Furtheon-powered chain. It operates consistently with the Ethereum EVM and supports the same set of OPCODEs.
Overview of the EVM
Smart contracts represent self-executing agreements, with their terms explicitly encoded into the contract's code. Deployed on the Ethereum network, these contracts are processed by the EVM, which provides a secure, decentralized environment for execution. The EVM guarantees that all network nodes adhere to the same rules and yield identical outcomes when running smart contracts.
Featuring a stack-based architecture, the EVM processes low-level instructions known as opcodes. Each opcode serves a specific function, such as performing arithmetic operations, managing storage access, or facilitating interactions with other contracts. To limit resource consumption during contract execution and prevent issues like infinite loops, the EVM employs gas as a metric for computational work.
Developers typically create smart contracts using high-level programming languages, such as Solidity, which are subsequently compiled into EVM bytecode. The EVM executes this bytecode, ensuring the contract's logic is implemented as intended.