How to start your chain
To run an Furtheon cluster, we use the polygon-edge server
command with the following options:
Flags ↓
| Flag | Description | Example | |----------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------| | `--access-control-allow-origins` | The CORS header indicating whether any JSON-RPC response can be shared with the specified origin. | `--access-control-allow-origins "*"` | | `--block-gas-target` | The target block gas limit for the chain. | `--block-gas-target "0x0"` | | `--chain` | The genesis file used for starting the chain. | `--chain "./genesis.json"` | | `--config` | The path to the CLI config. | `--config "/path/to/config.json"` | | `--data-dir` | The data directory used for storing Furtheon client data. | `--data-dir "/path/to/data-dir"` | | `--dns` | The host DNS address which can be used by a remote peer for connection. | `--dns ""` | | `--grpc-address` | The GRPC interface. | `--grpc-address ""` | | `--json-rpc-batch-request-limit` | Max length to be considered when handling JSON-RPC batch requests. | `--json-rpc-batch-request-limit 20` | | `--json-rpc-block-range-limit` | Max block range to be considered when executing JSON-RPC requests that consider fromBlock/toBlock values. | `--json-rpc-block-range-limit 1000` | | `--jsonrpc` | The JSON-RPC interface. | `--jsonrpc ""` | | `--libp2p` | The address and port for the libp2p service. | `--libp2p ""` | | `--log-level` | The log level for console output. | `--log-level "INFO"` | | `--log-to` | Write all logs to the file at specified location instead of writing them to console. |` --log-to "/path/to/log-file.log"` | | `--max-enqueued` | Maximum number of enqueued transactions per account. | `--max-enqueued 128` | | `--max-inbound-peers` | The client's max number of inbound peers allowed. | `--max-inbound-peers 32` | | `--max-outbound-peers` | The client's max number of outbound peers allowed. | `--max-outbound-peers 8` | | `--max-peers` | The client's max number of peers allowed. | `--max-peers 40` | | `--max-slots` | Maximum slots in the pool. | `--max-slots 4096` | | `--nat` | The external IP address without port, as can be seen by peers. | `--nat ""` | | `--no-discover` | Prevent the client from discovering other peers. | `--no-discover` | | `--num-block-confirmations` | Minimal number of child blocks required for the parent block to be considered final. | `--num-block-confirmations 64` | | `--price-limit` | The minimum gas price limit to enforce for acceptance into the pool. | `--price-limit 0` | | `--prometheus` | The address and port for the Prometheus instrumentation service. If only port is defined, it will bind to all available network interfaces. |`--prometheus` | | `--relayer` | Start the state sync relayer service. PolyBFT only. | | | `--restore` | The path to the archive blockchain data to restore on initialization. | `--restore /path/to/archive` | | `--seal` | The flag indicating that the client should seal blocks. | | | `--secrets-config` | The path to the SecretsManager config file. Used for Hashicorp Vault. If omitted, the local FS secrets manager is used. | `--secrets-config /path/to/secrets/config` |./polygon-edge server --data-dir ./test-chain-1 --chain genesis.json --grpc-address :5001 --libp2p :30301 --jsonrpc :10001 --seal --log-level DEBUG
./polygon-edge server --data-dir ./test-chain-2 --chain genesis.json --grpc-address :5002 --libp2p :30302 --jsonrpc :10002 --seal --log-level DEBUG
./polygon-edge server --data-dir ./test-chain-3 --chain genesis.json --grpc-address :5003 --libp2p :30303 --jsonrpc :10003 --seal --log-level DEBUG
./polygon-edge server --data-dir ./test-chain-4 --chain genesis.json --grpc-address :5004 --libp2p :30304 --jsonrpc :10004 --seal --log-level DEBUG
Dialing output example
Validator (address) = 0x0D09C4A285fdde3D6e5aD5DE819E3478554646D3
Transaction (hash) = 0xb587d3fa31f8bc59ecc807145d95d76a454967e28223d0f3b82abdd6bd84c043
Validator (address) = 0x30aC45469E94DE3645Eb4D8Ce102a3092ee76157
Transaction (hash) = 0x3e9b26da5e89aa8ca2b4935ce35ddedc1f8d9b37c56d5eb0f040787aa84a3bcb
Validator (address) = 0x9E1bFa593cAcD77BfcF9a8Dda0462da251566ae0
Transaction (hash) = 0x1aa158ed2ba1e8ec98b1f4fd649c9a499b72c58a48b1a1dd9978ee16cc7fb741
Validator (address) = 0x82e3D3e4222Cc872C5552363c86287B796312E27
Transaction (hash) = 0xd51e7f8b69071f88b5f7870c31c6942ed78c5c48f88594ed135f096b5f17a540