Before proceeding, ensure that your system meets the necessary system requirements.
To access the pre-built releases, visit the GitHub releases page. The client provides cross-compiled AMD64/ARM64 binaries for Darwin and Linux.
To locally run the Furtheon test environment, run the following command from the project's root:
./scripts/cluster polybft
That's it! You should have successfully been able to start a local Furtheon-powered chain just by running the script.
- Stop the network: "CTRL/Command C" or
./scripts/cluster polybft stop
.- Destroy the network:
./scripts/cluster polybft destroy
Deployment script details
The script is available under the "scripts" directory of the client. These are the optional configuration parameters you can pass to the script:
Flag | Description | Default Value |
--block-gas-limit | Maximum gas allowed for a block. | 10000000 |
--premine | Address and amount of tokens to premine in the genesis block. | 0x85da99c8a7c2c95964c8efd687e95e632fc533d6:1000000000000000000000 |
--epoch-size | Number of blocks per epoch. | 10 |
--data-dir | Directory to store chain data. | test-chain- |
--num | Number of nodes in the network. | 4 |
--bootnode | Bootstrap node address in multiaddress format. | /ip4/ |
--insecure | Disable TLS. | |
--log-level | Logging level for validators. | INFO |
--seal | Enable block sealing. | |
--help | Print usage information. |
After running the command, the test network will be initialized with PolyBFT consensus engine and the genesis file will be created. Then, the four validators will start running, and their log outputs will be displayed in the terminal.
By default, this will start an Furtheon network with PolyBFT consensus engine, four validators, and premine of 1 billion tokens at address 0x85da99c8a7c2c95964c8efd687e95e632fc533d6
The nodes will continue to run until stopped manually. To stop the network, open a new session and use the following command, or, simply press "CTRL/Command C" in the CLI:
./scripts/cluster polybft stop
If you want to destroy the environment, use the following command:
./scripts/cluster polybft destroy
Explanation of the deployment script
The deployment script is a wrapper script for starting an Furtheon test network with PolyBFT consensus engine. It offers the following functionality:
- Initialize the network with either IBFT or PolyBFT consensus engine.
- Create the genesis file for the test network.
- Start the validators on four separate ports.
- Write the logs to separate log files for each validator.
- Stop and destroy the environment when no longer needed.
- The script also allows you to choose between running the environment from a local binary or a Docker container.
Deployment script
Click to open
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Check if jq is installed
if [[ "$1" == "polybft" ]] && ! command -v jq >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "jq is not installed."
echo "Manual installation instructions: Visit https://jqlang.github.io/jq/ for more information."
# Check if curl is installed
if [[ "$1" == "polybft" ]] && ! command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "curl is not installed."
echo "Manual installation instructions: Visit https://everything.curl.dev/get/ for more information."
# Check if docker-compose is installed
if [[ "$2" == "--docker" ]] && ! command -v docker-compose >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "docker-compose is not installed."
echo "Manual installation instructions: Visit https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/ for more information."
# Stop script if any of the dependencies have failed
if [[ "$dp_error_flag" -eq 1 ]]; then
echo "Missing dependencies. Please install them and run the script again."
exit 1
function showhelp(){
echo "Usage: cluster {consensus} [{command}] [{flags}]"
echo "Consensus:"
echo " ibft Start Supernets test environment locally with ibft consensus"
echo " polybft Start Supernets test environment locally with polybft consensus"
echo "Commands:"
echo " stop Stop the running environment"
echo " destroy Destroy the running environment"
echo " write-logs Writes STDOUT and STDERR output to log file. Not applicable when using --docker flag."
echo "Flags:"
echo " --docker Run using Docker (requires docker-compose)."
echo " --help Display this help information"
echo "Examples:"
echo " cluster polybft -- Run the script with the polybft consensus"
echo " cluster polybft --docker -- Run the script with the polybft consensus using docker"
echo " cluster polybft stop -- Stop the running environment"
function initIbftConsensus() {
echo "Running with ibft consensus"
./polygon-edge secrets init --insecure --data-dir test-chain- --num 4
node1_id=$(./polygon-edge secrets output --data-dir test-chain-1 | grep Node | head -n 1 | awk -F ' ' '{print $4}')
node2_id=$(./polygon-edge secrets output --data-dir test-chain-2 | grep Node | head -n 1 | awk -F ' ' '{print $4}')
genesis_params="--consensus ibft --ibft-validators-prefix-path test-chain- \
--bootnode /ip4/$node1_id \
--bootnode /ip4/$node2_id"
function initPolybftConsensus() {
echo "Running with polybft consensus"
genesis_params="--consensus polybft"
address1=$(./polygon-edge polybft-secrets --insecure --data-dir test-chain-1 | grep Public | head -n 1 | awk -F ' ' '{print $5}')
address2=$(./polygon-edge polybft-secrets --insecure --data-dir test-chain-2 | grep Public | head -n 1 | awk -F ' ' '{print $5}')
address3=$(./polygon-edge polybft-secrets --insecure --data-dir test-chain-3 | grep Public | head -n 1 | awk -F ' ' '{print $5}')
address4=$(./polygon-edge polybft-secrets --insecure --data-dir test-chain-4 | grep Public | head -n 1 | awk -F ' ' '{print $5}')
function createGenesis() {
./polygon-edge genesis $genesis_params \
--block-gas-limit 10000000 \
--premine 0x85da99c8a7c2c95964c8efd687e95e632fc533d6:1000000000000000000000 \
--premine 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--epoch-size 10 \
--reward-wallet 0xDEADBEEF:1000000 \
--native-token-config "Polygon:MATIC:18:true:$address1" \
--burn-contract 0:0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--proxy-contracts-admin 0x5aaeb6053f3e94c9b9a09f33669435e7ef1beaed
function initRootchain() {
echo "Initializing rootchain"
if [ "$1" == "write-logs" ]; then
echo "Writing rootchain server logs to the file..."
./polygon-edge rootchain server 2>&1 | tee ./rootchain-server.log &
./polygon-edge rootchain server >/dev/null &
set +e
while true; do
if curl -sSf -o /dev/null; then
sleep 1
set -e
./polygon-edge polybft stake-manager-deploy \
--jsonrpc \
--proxy-contracts-admin ${proxyContractsAdmin} \
stakeManagerAddr=$(cat genesis.json | jq -r '.params.engine.polybft.bridge.stakeManagerAddr')
stakeToken=$(cat genesis.json | jq -r '.params.engine.polybft.bridge.stakeTokenAddr')
./polygon-edge rootchain deploy \
--stake-manager ${stakeManagerAddr} \
--stake-token ${stakeToken} \
--proxy-contracts-admin ${proxyContractsAdmin} \
customSupernetManagerAddr=$(cat genesis.json | jq -r '.params.engine.polybft.bridge.customSupernetManagerAddr')
supernetID=$(cat genesis.json | jq -r '.params.engine.polybft.supernetID')
./polygon-edge rootchain fund \
--stake-token ${stakeToken} \
--mint \
--addresses ${address1},${address2},${address3},${address4} \
--amounts 1000000000000000000000000,1000000000000000000000000,1000000000000000000000000,1000000000000000000000000
./polygon-edge polybft whitelist-validators \
--addresses ${address1},${address2},${address3},${address4} \
--supernet-manager ${customSupernetManagerAddr} \
--private-key aa75e9a7d427efc732f8e4f1a5b7646adcc61fd5bae40f80d13c8419c9f43d6d \
while [ $counter -le 4 ]; do
echo "Registering validator: ${counter}"
./polygon-edge polybft register-validator \
--supernet-manager ${customSupernetManagerAddr} \
--data-dir test-chain-${counter} \
./polygon-edge polybft stake \
--data-dir test-chain-${counter} \
--amount 1000000000000000000000000 \
--supernet-id ${supernetID} \
--stake-manager ${stakeManagerAddr} \
--stake-token ${stakeToken} \
./polygon-edge polybft supernet \
--private-key aa75e9a7d427efc732f8e4f1a5b7646adcc61fd5bae40f80d13c8419c9f43d6d \
--supernet-manager ${customSupernetManagerAddr} \
--stake-manager ${stakeManagerAddr} \
--finalize-genesis-set \
--enable-staking \
function startServerFromBinary() {
if [ "$1" == "write-logs" ]; then
echo "Writing validators logs to the files..."
./polygon-edge server --data-dir ./test-chain-1 --chain genesis.json \
--grpc-address :10000 --libp2p :30301 --jsonrpc :10002 --relayer \
--num-block-confirmations 2 --seal --log-level DEBUG 2>&1 | tee ./validator-1.log &
./polygon-edge server --data-dir ./test-chain-2 --chain genesis.json \
--grpc-address :20000 --libp2p :30302 --jsonrpc :20002 \
--num-block-confirmations 2 --seal --log-level DEBUG 2>&1 | tee ./validator-2.log &
./polygon-edge server --data-dir ./test-chain-3 --chain genesis.json \
--grpc-address :30000 --libp2p :30303 --jsonrpc :30002 \
--num-block-confirmations 2 --seal --log-level DEBUG 2>&1 | tee ./validator-3.log &
./polygon-edge server --data-dir ./test-chain-4 --chain genesis.json \
--grpc-address :40000 --libp2p :30304 --jsonrpc :40002 \
--num-block-confirmations 2 --seal --log-level DEBUG 2>&1 | tee ./validator-4.log &
./polygon-edge server --data-dir ./test-chain-1 --chain genesis.json \
--grpc-address :10000 --libp2p :30301 --jsonrpc :10002 --relayer \
--num-block-confirmations 2 --seal --log-level DEBUG &
./polygon-edge server --data-dir ./test-chain-2 --chain genesis.json \
--grpc-address :20000 --libp2p :30302 --jsonrpc :20002 \
--num-block-confirmations 2 --seal --log-level DEBUG &
./polygon-edge server --data-dir ./test-chain-3 --chain genesis.json \
--grpc-address :30000 --libp2p :30303 --jsonrpc :30002 \
--num-block-confirmations 2 --seal --log-level DEBUG &
./polygon-edge server --data-dir ./test-chain-4 --chain genesis.json \
--grpc-address :40000 --libp2p :30304 --jsonrpc :40002 \
--num-block-confirmations 2 --seal --log-level DEBUG &
function startServerFromDockerCompose() {
if [ "$1" != "polybft" ]; then
export EDGE_CONSENSUS="$1"
docker-compose -f ./docker/local/docker-compose.yml up -d --build
function destroyDockerEnvironment() {
docker-compose -f ./docker/local/docker-compose.yml down -v
function stopDockerEnvironment() {
docker-compose -f ./docker/local/docker-compose.yml stop
set -e
# Show help if help flag is entered or no arguments are provided
if [[ "$1" == "--help" ]] || [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
exit 0
# Reset test-dirs
rm -rf test-chain-*
rm -f genesis.json
# Build binary
go build -o polygon-edge .
# If --docker flag is set run docker environment otherwise run from binary
case "$2" in
# cluster {consensus} --docker destroy
if [ "$3" == "destroy" ]; then
echo "Docker $1 environment destroyed!"
exit 0
# cluster {consensus} --docker stop
elif [ "$3" == "stop" ]; then
echo "Docker $1 environment stopped!"
exit 0
# cluster {consensus} --docker
echo "Running $1 docker environment..."
startServerFromDockerCompose $1
echo "Docker $1 environment deployed."
exit 0
# cluster {consensus}
echo "Running $1 environment from local binary..."
# Initialize ibft or polybft consensus
if [ "$1" == "ibft" ]; then
# Initialize ibft consensus
# Create genesis file and start the server from binary
startServerFromBinary $2
exit 0
elif [ "$1" == "polybft" ]; then
# Initialize polybft consensus
# Create genesis file and start the server from binary
initRootchain $2
startServerFromBinary $2
exit 0
echo "Unsupported consensus mode. Supported modes are: ibft and polybft."
exit 1